Is indica or sativa better for your brain?

Sativa strains are best suited for daytime use, as they don't have the instant sleep effects that Indica strains do. Sativa strains cause an increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of sleep, appetite, anxiety, movement, learning and the general mood of our brain.

Is indica or sativa better for your brain?

Sativa strains are best suited for daytime use, as they don't have the instant sleep effects that Indica strains do. Sativa strains cause an increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is involved in the regulation of sleep, appetite, anxiety, movement, learning and the general mood of our brain. Both Sativa and indica improve appetite. However, since they do it in different ways, it is worthwhile to understand what their mechanisms of action are.

As mentioned above, Sativa can reduce serotonin reuptake. With more serotonin floating around your brain, your appetite will benefit. Serotonin improves appetite, which is why some patients complain of gaining weight when they start taking SSRIs for depression. Sativas, on the other hand, are stimulating and cerebral, and improve creativity and productivity.

Indicas provide what has been called a “body high”, while sativas provide more of a “mental high”. Unfortunately, Sativa plants need more time to grow and produce less medicine (flowers) than indica varieties. This is why indica strains have traditionally dominated those available on the black market, where there is no concern for patient needs and the only goal is benefit. Although it is possible to use Indica for chronic pain, there is some evidence to suggest that Sativa may provide more effective, quicker-acting relief.

In fact, native varieties tend to be 100 percent indica or sativa, the result of tens of thousands of years of inbreeding in a particular climate and geography. Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa are two types of cannabis species that have been proposed to cause different effects. But most of all, simply being able to understand the difference between Sativa and Indica cannabis strains will greatly help you find the product that best treats your specific symptoms. Knowing the difference in effects will help you treat your specific symptoms, so the difference between Sativa and Indica strains is an important first step.

In addition, you may find that indica cannabis is useful for treating acute muscle conditions, such as back pain from an occupational injury. Given the choice of chronic pain or the softening effects of a strong indica from a particular strain known for its medical benefits, most patients will choose the latter. Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa are actually two different species of plants in the cannabis family. As you may have seen, the differences between Sativa and Indica matter most when treating certain medical conditions.

The two main types of cannabis, Sativa and Indica, are used for a variety of medicinal and recreational purposes. When researching Sativa vs Indica for high blood pressure, you may notice that Indica has higher levels of THC. Both Sativa and Indica are thought to have high levels of THC, but THC is more active in Indica strains. Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a pure indica due to the high genetic variation of cannabis growers who cross plants.

It's important not to say that everyone is different, as certain strains of Indica can have different effects from person to person. Cannabis is the term used for the hundreds of plant species commonly categorized as Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis (a type that is rarely cultivated in the U.S.

Zachary Schrieber
Zachary Schrieber

Internet guru. Incurable web scholar. Infuriatingly humble coffee scholar. General bacon lover. Infuriatingly humble beer lover. Award-winning zombie expert.