Is indica or sativa a better strain?

In terms of particular ailments, Sativa strains tend to be better for psychological disorders such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Indicas are usually best for pain and inflammation and are therefore beneficial for patients with arthritis, fibromyalgia and cancer.

Is indica or sativa a better strain?

In terms of particular ailments, Sativa strains tend to be better for psychological disorders such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Indicas are usually best for pain and inflammation and are therefore beneficial for patients with arthritis, fibromyalgia and cancer. The two cannabis strains, cannabis indica and cannabis sativa, differ in size, shape, smell and potency. Although these strains are different, marijuana growers often combine them to create hybrid varieties.

Most people refer to them simply as “indica” or “sativa”. The most significant difference outside of smell and appearance is that the use of Indica results in a more relaxed and sleepy feeling, while Sativa tends to give a cerebral and creative high. Sativa also has a much higher THC to cannabidiol (CBD) ratio than indica, leading to stronger psychological effects, such as hallucinations and paranoia, and long-term health problems, such as memory loss and cognitive function. Indica plants tend to contain higher amounts of CBD than THC, while Sativa plants tend to have higher amounts of THC than CBD.

Indica is thought to cause a more calming or relaxing effect, while Sativa causes an uplifting sensation. Home Products & Services Understanding Indica versus Indica cannabis plants are typically grown in the harsh, dry climates of the Middle East. Physically, the plants are short and bushy with broad, dark green leaves. The buds themselves tend to be much denser in Indica plants than in Sativa plants.

In contrast, Sativa and Indica plants are photoperiodic and usually need about 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to flower. If someone gives you advice on the effects of a cannabis product based on sativa or indica, you should know that their advice may come from their own experience or from what someone may have told them. As with its parent strains Sativa and Indica, local popularity is likely to vary depending on what is available. The common understanding of indicas and sativas is that indica strains are physically sedative, perfect for relaxing with a movie or having a nightcap, and Sativa strains are energizing with uplifting brain effects that pair well with physical activity, social gatherings, and creative projects.

For example, a strain called Blue Hawaiian combines the mind-stimulating energy of Sativa with the body-relaxing properties of Indica. Most strains called “indica” or “sativa” are, in fact, hybrids, with genetics inherited from both types. Hybrids are the third category and are popular in the cannabis market; hybrids are sourced from sativas and indicas and can have effects associated with either of them. Indicas are commonly known as night strains and are used to relax and unwind at the end of the night.

Anyone who has ever entered a cannabis dispensary has probably seen strains labeled as indica, sativa, or hybrid.

Zachary Schrieber
Zachary Schrieber

Internet guru. Incurable web scholar. Infuriatingly humble coffee scholar. General bacon lover. Infuriatingly humble beer lover. Award-winning zombie expert.