Does indica keep you active?

If you're looking for a more relaxed cannabis experience, you might want to explore the Indicas. These strains aim to promote relaxation, both physical and mental.

Does indica keep you active?

If you're looking for a more relaxed cannabis experience, you might want to explore the Indicas. These strains aim to promote relaxation, both physical and mental. While sativas tend to inspire an extremely active mind, indicas inspire an extremely relaxed body (hence the term “couch lock”). Sativa strains can help stimulate appetite and give you cravings, but it depends on your body chemistry.

Will sativas keep you awake at night? The second most abundant cannabinoid in the marijuana plant, CBD is the yin to the yang of THC. It produces that pleasant, gentle relaxation without the psychoactive effects (what your grandfather might call the “joint madness”). If smoking marijuana makes you anxious, paranoid, or prone to hallucinations, a strain high in CBD is probably your cup of tea. It can also be your cup of coffee, as there are now brands of coffee with CBD on the market.

Indica strains are considered to be more likely to produce a mild cannabis experience. They are associated with feelings of deep physical and mental relaxation, and some people refer to these effects as a “body high.” Because Indica marijuana strains have quite strong sedative effects, they can make you feel more high than high. Whether you're prone to anxiety or paranoia when sober, indica, or sativa strains can cause negative effects, but it depends on your body chemistry. Each strain will have its own unique properties, and two strains will not be identical even if both fall into the same general category of indica, sativa, or hybrid.

As mentioned above, Indica strains have a higher amount of CBD, so they can provide relief from conditions such as anxiety, depression, and acute pain. In medical applications, indicas are common for people experiencing chronic pain, stress, or anxiety. Due to the long history of cannabis crossbreeding, strains that have pure indica or pure sativa lineages are rare. The main reason Indica-dominant cannabis provides a sleepy or relaxing effect is that it has a relatively higher amount of cannabidiol compared to other strains.

However, it's best to discover the difference between the two main marijuana species, Indica and Sativa, to narrow down your preferred strain based on your needs. Indicas are often associated with whole-body effects, such as increasing deep relaxation and reducing insomnia. In addition, the study verified the fact that Indica provides a sense of well-being in people who feel anxious and allows them to relax. And while some cannabinoids and terpenes can be found more commonly in an indica or a sativa, none are found exclusively in one consistent enough to say that an indica and a sativa will definitely cause specific effects.

Knowing if a cannabis plant comes from the indica or sativa strain doesn't always provide much information about the relative amounts of THC or CBD it can contain, as people tend to believe, but it can be useful. So, if you use Indica to feel more active, you're wasting your efforts because all you want to do is sleep. Today's hybrids tend to be indica-dominant or sativa-dominant, which means it's a good idea to decide which direction you're leaning in before buying them. As the use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes becomes legal in more and more states, there is a growing interest in the different effects that various types, including indicas and sativas, can produce.

Indica dominance or Indica dominance, as you can guess, is a hybrid strain that leans more toward indicas.

Zachary Schrieber
Zachary Schrieber

Internet guru. Incurable web scholar. Infuriatingly humble coffee scholar. General bacon lover. Infuriatingly humble beer lover. Award-winning zombie expert.