Does indica make you active or sleepy?

Some of the common effects of hybrid strains are anxiety and the impact on stress reduction. The main reason indica-dominant cannabis provides a sleepy or relaxing effect is that it has a relatively higher amount of cannabidiol compared to other strains.

Does indica make you active or sleepy?

Some of the common effects of hybrid strains are anxiety and the impact on stress reduction. The main reason indica-dominant cannabis provides a sleepy or relaxing effect is that it has a relatively higher amount of cannabidiol compared to other strains. If used responsibly, according to the advice of a professional, indica can make you feel sleepy and prove to be an effective remedy for insomnia. For recommendations on dosage, frequency of use and strains indicated, don't hesitate to contact.

Indicas are generally thought to be relaxing, which can make you feel sleepy. Do Indicas give you a body high?. You've probably heard of cannabidiol (CBD) and THC, but what exactly are CBD and THC? Below, we explain what the two compounds are and how they relate to cannabis. Also known as “on the couch”, this cannabis strain gives you more body high (rather than a “heady” high) and leaves you more relaxed.

Oddly enough, indica strains tend to have a lighter THC concentration than sativas, even though they produce a more “high” sensation. The second most abundant cannabinoid in the marijuana plant, CBD is the yin to the yang of THC. It produces that pleasant, gentle relaxation without the psychoactive effects (what your grandfather might call the “joint madness”). If smoking marijuana makes you anxious, paranoid, or prone to hallucinations, a strain high in CBD is probably your cup of tea.

It can also be your cup of coffee, as there are now brands of coffee with CBD on the market. Despite the fact that cannabis has existed and used for thousands of years, it is not yet known if indica and sativa are truly separate species from the plant. In any case, the hybridized strains of the two have become very popular with smokers who want a little bit of everything. The first hybrids appeared in the United States in the 1970s, but they really emerged during the 1990s, when hydroponics technology allowed growers to get excited.

Current hybrids tend to be indica-dominant or sativa-dominant, which means it's a good idea to decide which direction you're leaning in before buying them. If you're looking for an almost perfect balance between the sedative effects of an indica and the euphoric energy of a sativa, keep your eyes peeled for Blue Dream, a California strain that has achieved legendary status. As cannabis becomes more popular and support for legalized marijuana becomes more acceptable, the idea of an indica or a sativa has become more confusing. Let's look at the differences between indicas and sativas, and the usefulness of the two classification systems.

Experienced cannabis enthusiasts know that indica tends to make you sleepy, sometimes it even blocks your couch, making it your best friend for any marathon Sunday (Netflix). Due to the long history of cannabis crossbreeding, strains that have pure indica or pure sativa lineages are rare. Hybrid strains with a mixture of indica and sativa can produce different effects depending on the specific composition of cannabinoids and other ingredients. Indicas are commonly known as night strains and are used to relax and disconnect at the end of the night.

But indica doesn't always mean “on the couch” and sativas don't necessarily energize all consumers. The common understanding of indicas and sativas is that indica strains are physically sedative, perfect for relaxing with a movie or having a nightcap, and Sativa strains are energizing with stimulating brain effects that pair well with physical activity, social gatherings, and creative projects. The third most common terpene in indica strains that cause sedation is terpinolene, a terpene that smells like pine and herbs. Some researchers argue that the distinction between indica and sativa strains is less relevant than variety in the content of THC and other ingredients in a particular product.

Part of this tradition is that Indica is said to have higher concentrations of CBD and lower concentrations of THC. Many popular cannabis strains are hybrids of Indica and Sativa; even those considered Indica or Sativa are likely to be hybrids of some kind. Cannabis sativa is native to warmer climates closer to the equator in areas such as East Asia, while Cannabis indica is more native to areas with colder climates. As one season moves to another, you're much more likely to have a flowering Cannabis indica than Cannabis sativa.

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Zachary Schrieber
Zachary Schrieber

Internet guru. Incurable web scholar. Infuriatingly humble coffee scholar. General bacon lover. Infuriatingly humble beer lover. Award-winning zombie expert.